module Rubella module Input # Gets the rwa data and translate it into a by the Rubella::Weighting::Base # class readable format. # This must be an array within subarrays, which have all the same lenght # and contains only numeric data. # # TODO The validation of the data should happen here # Check if data is array, with subarrays. Check, that all sub array have # the same size. Check that all the content are numeric values between 0 # and 100. # class Base attr_reader :data # Constructor # Creates a new Rubella::Input::Base object, from the given data. # # @param value string A string, which contains the data # @return Rubella::Input::Base # def self.string value raise "Please override 'self.string' in your "+ "concrete implementation" end # Constructor # Creates a new Rubella::Input::Base object, from the given file. # Only the file name is required. # # @param file_name string The name of the file # @return Rubella:Input::Base # def self.file file_name raise "Please override 'self.file' in your "+ "concrete implementation" end def each &block @data.each &block end end end end