path: root/create_sign_request.go
diff options
authorGibheer <gibheer@gmail.com>2015-02-15 01:34:25 +0100
committerGibheer <gibheer@gmail.com>2015-02-15 01:34:25 +0100
commit16eb14db9f9b228ef88bcf1beb09cf823256dac1 (patch)
tree414ed9ba9f3e5679a7b0ae7b120e752d3f8ee2f6 /create_sign_request.go
parent2f9126dc6a2eab32316ec90e21688d31159f9e80 (diff)
redesign cli
This is a major rebuilding of the CLI. The library part is split out into pkilib and the cli handles only the communication with the user, I/O and the library. The API will still look the same, but the code should be much better to grasp. Instead of repeating everything, more will be grouped together and reused.
Diffstat (limited to 'create_sign_request.go')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 118 deletions
diff --git a/create_sign_request.go b/create_sign_request.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 75b7993..0000000
--- a/create_sign_request.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-package main
-// create a sign request needed for the final certificate
-import (
- "crypto"
- "crypto/rand"
- "crypto/x509"
- "crypto/x509/pkix"
- "encoding/pem"
- "fmt"
- "flag"
- "io"
- "net"
- "os"
- "reflect"
- "regexp"
-type (
- SignFlags struct {
- PrivateKeyPath string // path to the private key
- Output string // path where to store the CSR
- BaseAttributes pkix.Name
- DNSNames []string // alternative names to the BaseAttributes.CommonName
- IPAddresses []net.IP // alternative IP addresses
- private_key crypto.Signer
- output_stream io.Writer // the output stream for the CSR
- }
-var (
- COMMA_SPLIT = regexp.MustCompile(`,[[:space:]]?`)
-// create a sign request with a private key
-func create_sign_request() {
- flags := parse_sign_flags()
- flags.private_key = load_private_key(flags.PrivateKeyPath)
- stream, err := open_output_stream(flags.Output)
- if err != nil {
- crash_with_help(2, fmt.Sprintf("Error when creating file %s: %s", flags.Output, err))
- }
- defer stream.Close()
- flags.output_stream = stream
- if err = create_csr(flags); err != nil {
- fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Error when generating CSR: ", err)
- os.Exit(3)
- }
-// parse the flags to create a certificate sign request
-func parse_sign_flags() SignFlags {
- dns_names := "" // string to hold the alternative names
- ips := "" // string to hold the alternative ips
- var container struct {
- Country, Organization, OrganizationalUnit, Locality, Province,
- StreetAddress, PostalCode string
- }
- flags := SignFlags{}
- fs := flag.NewFlagSet("create-cert-sign", flag.ExitOnError)
- fs.StringVar(&flags.PrivateKeyPath, "private-key", "", "path to the private key file")
- fs.StringVar(&flags.Output, "output", "STDOUT", "path where the generated csr should be stored")
- flags.BaseAttributes = pkix.Name{}
- fs.StringVar(&flags.BaseAttributes.CommonName, "common-name", "", "the name of the resource")
- fs.StringVar(&flags.BaseAttributes.SerialNumber, "serial", "1", "serial number for the request")
- fs.StringVar(&dns_names, "names", "", "alternative names (comma separated)")
- fs.StringVar(&ips, "ips", "", "alternative IPs (comma separated)")
- fs.StringVar(&container.Country, "country", "", "country of the organization")
- fs.StringVar(&container.Organization, "organization", "", "the name of the organization")
- fs.StringVar(&container.OrganizationalUnit, "org-unit", "", "the organizational unit")
- fs.StringVar(&container.Locality, "city", "", "the city or locality")
- fs.StringVar(&container.Province, "province", "", "the province")
- fs.StringVar(&container.StreetAddress, "street", "", "the street address for the cert")
- fs.StringVar(&container.PostalCode, "postal-code", "", "the postal code of the city")
- fs.Parse(os.Args[2:])
- // convert array flags to config structs
- if dns_names != "" {
- flags.DNSNames = COMMA_SPLIT.Split(dns_names, -1)
- }
- if ips != "" {
- tmp_ips := COMMA_SPLIT.Split(ips, -1)
- for _, sip := range tmp_ips {
- flags.IPAddresses = append(flags.IPAddresses, net.ParseIP(sip))
- }
- }
- container_type := reflect.ValueOf(container)
- config_type := reflect.ValueOf(&flags.BaseAttributes).Elem()
- for i := 0; i < container_type.NumField(); i++ {
- field := container_type.Field(i)
- new_field := config_type.FieldByName(container_type.Type().Field(i).Name)
- new_field.Set(reflect.ValueOf(COMMA_SPLIT.Split(field.String(), -1)))
- }
- return flags
-// generate the csr and print into flags.output_stream
-func create_csr(flags SignFlags) (error) {
- csr_template := &x509.CertificateRequest{
- Subject: flags.BaseAttributes,
- DNSNames: flags.DNSNames,
- IPAddresses: flags.IPAddresses,
- }
- csr_raw, err := x509.CreateCertificateRequest(rand.Reader, csr_template, flags.private_key)
- if err != nil { return err }
- block := &pem.Block{Type: TypeLabelCSR, Bytes: csr_raw}
- pem.Encode(flags.output_stream, block)
- return nil